################################################################################ # Comic strips from Douglas Krause's files at UCI # Don Olivier don@hsph.harvard.edu ################################################################################ # # titles # Abbie an' Slats Abbott and Costello Academia Waltz Adam Agatha Crumm Alex Alex's Restaurant Alley Oop Andy Capp Animal Crackers Arlo and Janis Asterix Augusta B.C. Baby Blues Back Bench Bad Habits Barnaby Barney Google Batman Bedlam Hall Beetle Bailey Belvedere Betty Boop Beyond Mars Big Nate Bizarro Blondie Bloom County Bobby Thatcher Boner's Ark Brenda Starr Brick Bradford Brimstone Broom Hilda Buck Rogers Buckets Bull Tales Buz Sawyer Caldwell Callahan Calvin and Hobbes Captain Vincible Carol Casey Ruggles Cathy Charlie Chan Close to Home Collage Review Conchy Connie Conrad Crankshaft Crime Crushers Crock Crock Curious Avenue Curtis Dauntless Durham Dennis the Menace Dick Tracy Dickie Dare Dilbert Donald Duck Doonesbury Downstown Drabble Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend Duffy Dunagin's People Dupie Dykes to Watch Out For Edge Eek & Meek Eggbert Ernie Ernie Pook's Comeek Everett True Eyebeam Family Circus Farcus Farley Farm Report FatKat Feiffer Felix the Cat Fido Dido Filstrup Flash Gordon Flyin' Jenny Footrot Flats For Better or For Worse For Better or For Worse For Better or for Worse FoxTrot Frank and Ernest Frazetta Funky Winkerbean Fusco Brother Fusco Brothers Gahan Wilson's Sunday Comics Garfield Gasoline Alley Geech Gordo Graves, Inc. Guindon Hagar Happy Hooligan Hartland Hazel Heathcliff Hepcats Herman Hi & Lois Hollenhead Horrorscope Howard Huge In the Bleachers James Bond Jane Jim's Journal Johnny Hazard Juliet Jones Jungle Jim Katzenjammer Kids King Aroo King Kat Krazy Kat Kudzu Lady Luck Li'l Abner Life in Hell Little Nemo In Slumberland Little Orphan Annie Lockhorns, the Long Overdue Luann Machine Head Maggie and Jiggs Making It Mandrake Marmaduke Marvin Mary Worth Maxine Maxwell the Magic Cat Mickey Mouse Miek Peters Mike Hammer Miss Lil Miss Peach Mister Boffo Mister Magoo Moderne Man Modesty Blaise Moose Morgan Calabrese Mother Goose & Grimm Mountain Boys Mr. Boffo Mr. Mum Muppets Murphy's Manor Mutt and Jeff Myra North Nancy Nantucket Nellie the Nurse Nguyen Charlie Nina's Adventures No Comment Non Sequitur Norb Odd Bodkins Off the Leash On Stage On the Fast Track Outland Overboard Palliard Press Pavlov Peanuts Perry Mason Phantom Pogo Pogo Polly & Her Pals Popeye Popeye President Bill Prince Valiant Quincy's World Real Life Adventures Rick O'Shay Rip Kirby Robotman Rose is Rose Rubes Rudy Sad Sack Sally Forth Scorchy Smithe Secret Agent Corrigan Sgt. Mike Sherlock Holmes Sherlocko the Monk Shoe Silly Symphonies Skippy Slump Small Society Smilin' Jack Smokey Stover Snake Speed Walker, Private Eye Steve Canyon Steve Roper Stockworth Suburban Cowgirls Sylvia Table Talk Tank McNamara Tarzan Terry and the Pirates That's Jake Thatch The 5th Wave The Amazing Spider-man The Born Loser The Broons The Cisco Kid The Cloggies The Closet The Far Side The Gambols The Great John L The Gumps The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Ethan Green The New Breed The Quigmans The Spirit The Super Adventures of Harry Chess The Wolf There Oughta Be a Law This Modern World Thorn Tiger Tim Tyler Tom the Dancing Bug Toonerville Trolley Treasury of Classic Tales Tumbleweeds U.S. Acres Wash Tubbs & Capt. Easy Washingtoon Wee Pals What Were You In A Previous Life? What's New? the collected adventures of Phil & Dixie When I Was Short... Where I'm Coming From Wild Life Willy'n'Ethel Wizard of Id Wolff & Byrd Woody Allen Wright Angles X-9 Young Pillars Zen Comics Ziggy Zippy Zorro the bus counter culture the neighborhood # # some characters and miscellany # Abra Cadaver Akbar Ala Ka Zot Arlo B.C. Bimbo Bleachers Blondie Bodkins Boop Buckaroo Buz CYBeRpuNkTrEK Charlie Brown Cisco Cloggies Comeek Crumm Dagwood Dogpatch Dragon Lady Dunagin Eek Eggbert Ernie Ernie Fearless Fosdick Flapjacks Footrot Frammin Frippin Fusco Fussbudget Google Gumps Harry Chess Hipshot Ignatz Jiggs Jim-Jam Katzenjammer Krazy Krotz Motley Netzahaulcoyotl Nguyen Norts Spews Oop Palliard Passionella Phil & Dixie Quigmans Rick O'Shay Robotman Sarge Sherlocko Shmoo Slats Slobbovia Sluggo Slumberland Snoopy Speed Walker Spider-man Televangelist Toonerville Vincible What's New? Will B. Dunn Winkerbean