Mysql DES-Rippeur v0.1 by the savate
Producteur de savate depuis 1997 Mysql DES-rippeur is Yet Another Password Ripper based on dictionnaries. It performs a simple check using the mysql built-in password() function, so it relies a lot on the content of the dictionnaries. .
DES String :
Dictionnary file :
Exclusive scan : (unchecked=all)
Copyleft ©2001, Membre du projet mAdmin
"; // ca continue echo "
Searching On dictionnary $dico_file[$thread] "; // on y arrive // ouverture du fichier dico courant $rip=fopen($dico_folder.$dico_file[$thread], "r"); if(!$rip) { // probleme d'ouverture de fichier echo "$errstr ($errno)
\n"; exit; } else { $mot=0; while(!feof($rip) ) { // recuperer un mot $mot_dico = ltrim(Chop(fgets($rip, 32))); if($mot_dico!="") { // encrypter le mot du dico avec une requete mysql $q= $sl_q->query("select PASSWORD('$mot_dico') as password"); if($sl_q->next_record()) $tmp_encrypt=$sl_q->Record["password"]; // simple comparaison (pas de prise de tete) if($tmp_encrypt==$password) { echo "

Password trouvé : $mot_dico !!"; exit; } $mot++; if($mot%10==1) { if($lettre!=$mot_dico[0]) { echo "
  • $mot_dico[0] : "; $lettre=$mot_dico[0]; } else echo ". "; } } else echo "."; set_time_limit(0); } } fclose($rip); if(($thread+1)<(count($dico_file))) { echo "
    Not found in $mot words databank
    "; if(!$exclusif) echo " "; # echo " # #Not lucky ? #Try with another #dictionnary"; } else echo "
    Encrypted password $password was not found in the $dico_file[$thread] dictionnary
